We are the only Mobile Laser Service Provider in Colorado with NeoClear - Laser treatments for mild to moderate acne in the convenience of your home.


Apart from genetics and hormonal changes, the most common causes of acne include:

  • Accumulation of dead skin cells

  • Excess sebum production (sebum is a waxy, oily substance that lubricates the skin)

  • Inflammation of the deeper skin layers

  • Bacterial infection

  • Low levels of collagen in the skin promote the formation of acne scars


  • Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to get your acne under control—face washes, creams, lotions, numerous over-the-counter drugs, or prescription medications?

  • NeoClear now offers you a drug-free, wait-free, side-effect-free option for clearing your acne, no matter how severe your acne, and no matter what your skin type. (NeoClear can even treat tanned skin!)


  • NeoClear is an effective therapy from Aerolase for treating moderate to severe acne on the face, torso, and all skin types. Using the Aerolase 650 laser technology, NeoClear delivers powerful yet gentle laser energy directly on the area of the skin to be treated. As the laser penetrates the skin’s deeper layers, it destroys the acne-causing bacteria, reduces sebum production, and mitigates inflammation.

  • An added benefit of NeoClear is that it stimulates the production of collagen, the skin health protein that restores volume, suppleness, and strength of the skin.

  • The unique laser technology is a non-invasive approach to treating acne and is suitable for all skin types and age groups.

  • NeoClear addresses the existing acne breakout and reduces the risk of future breakouts. The new collagen formed helps prevent acne scar formation, which is one of the most distressing consequences of acne.

  • After an initial video consultation to discuss your medical and skin health history, a board certified nurse practitioner will arrive to your home and promptly set-up our Aerolase Neo Elite Laser at your scheduled appointment time. The NeoClear procedure will be explained along with the after-care, and the expected results. The laser treatment schedule is dependent on your current skin condition.

    • Then your medical provider uses the NeoClear laser device to treat the entire affected skin area with bright white laser light in order to eliminate P. acnes bacteria on the skin and help control possible future breakouts, while also minimizing pores and smoothing the tone and texture of your skin.

    • Any current breakout will be addressed by applying laser energy directly on each visible acne lesion to reduce inflammation and promote quicker clearance.

    • An at-home skin care regimen including a face wash should be followed as directed by your treatment provider.

    • Once your acne is cleared and controlled, you may need to follow up with more treatments if the condition returns. The need for aftercare will vary from person to person, with some patients having longer periods of clearance than others.